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The coven

11 May

I call them the coven.

They are my ex and his girlfriend (AW and TFO), plus small minded colleagues who work or worked in the same educational establishment as I did.  Their relationship with each other is not healthy and they created and continue to create a toxic environment in which they feed off each others’ fears and ostracize those who are not in their inner sanctum.

They are judgmental, naive and unprofessional.  Management and HR are accepting of, and condone their actions, and themselves have acted inappropriately.

Members of the coven delight in drama and they all too readily blackball anybody who does not conform to their ideals.  A counselor explained to me that people like this are driven to act in this way because they have low esteem and little self confidence.  Bullying other people, especially as part of a group enables them to feel that they fit in and gives them a feeling of power.  Those who have had issues in their own personal lives will also relish taking part in the bullying.

TFO and  Crystal Tits (TFO’s best friend)  had both had husbands who had cheated on them in the past, so projecting their resentment and bitterness onto me probably satisfies their need for revenge.

Crystal Tits is a member of the coven.  Named after the character in the 1970’s children’s cartoon series with her corkscrew curls slicked into submission with gallons of gel and constantly sporting an inane grin, this was one woman with an axe to grind.  Now, one of them has  once again passed some personal information on about me to my ex; information which will have been gleaned from the workplace.  What they don’t realise is that AW is not the brightest button and he is digging rather a large pit for them to trip into in his haste to let me know what he thinks that he knows.

Rather like Jack Nicholson’s character in The Witches of Eastwick they are treading on dangerous ground whilst feeding his obsession and I guarantee that it will come back to bite them on the bum.

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